Mill Shoals
Aerial View of Mill Shoals Mill Shoals - This village is situated on sections 19 and 20, on the banks of Skillet Fork. The land is very level, and was originally owned by William Linder. The village was laid out in 1869 by Judge Boggs, of Wayne County, who received one half of forty acres for the work. There is now a population of about 275 persons. There is a flouring mill, owned by Samuel Burrell, and run by water-power; a saw-mill, owned by the Behymer Co., doing a large business; a lumber manufactory, where lumber is prepared for the market; two general stores - Behymer & Co. and Upton & Laster; two groceries, one hotel, two doctors, and a good school, taught by B.F. Files. [ History of White County, Illinois, Together with Sketches of Its Cities, Villages & Townships, Educational, Religious, Civil, Military & Political History, 1883] According to Loren Taylor & Stephanie Bare in their History of Mill Shoals Nathaniel Behymer purchased Wakefiel...
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